How to Prepare Your Propane Home for a Hurricane
In addition to following these tips, be sure to get in touch with our propane team to learn about remote tank monitors for propane generators. This convenient, affordable monitor prevents unnecessary run-outs and allows propane generator users to be prepared for out-of-power situations.

Hurricane Propane Preparation Tips
Always have an adequate amount of propane in your fuel storage container. You’ll never know how long the power may be out or roads blocked after a hurricane, and you’ll want an ample supply of fuel for your family to stay safe and protected.
Know how to shut off your propane supply and propane appliances. If you need assistance with this, please call Green’s Blue Flame to ask—we’ll be more than happy to help advise you. Once you get the instructions, write them down and keep them in an easy-to-find spot, so you’ll always have access if you need it. In addition, keep instructions for shutting off your electricity and water on hand. It’s also never a bad idea to install a propane gas detector and a carbon monoxide detector on each level of your home.
In Houston-area flood zones, the NFPA requires that aboveground and underground propane storage containers be anchored securely. Be sure your storage container is up to compliance to keep yourself safe and avoid any potential costly remediation expenses.
Work with your family to create and review an emergency plan. It can be scary to think about, but it’s always better to be prepared than to be unprepared when it comes to emergencies.
PERC’s Propane Dos and Don’ts for Hurricane Safety
- NEVER use outdoor propane appliances indoors or in enclosed areas. This could result in CO poisoning or death. These appliances include outdoor portable heaters, barbecue grills, and portable generators. Only use appliances indoors that are designed and approved for indoor use.
- NEVER store or place a propane cylinder indoors or in an enclosed area such as a basement, garage, shed, or tent.
- NEVER use a gas oven or range-top burners to provide space heating.
- NEVER turn on a light switch, use any power source, or inspect your household appliances while standing in water. This can result in electrocution.
- DO inspect chimneys, flue pipes, and vent connectors for damage, blockage, or debris.
- DO inspect your propane appliances for water or other damage, if it is safe to do so.
Need assistance prepping your propane system for hurricane season, or want to place a delivery request? Contact Green’s Blue Flame today, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.