Getting Ready for Winter in Houston, Texas
Winter is coming! If you live in the Greater Houston area of Texas, it’s time to start thinking about getting your home ready for unexpected weather. Use these quick tips to start prepping for the cold months ahead. By the time the first winter storm rolls around, you’ll be happy that you did!
Winter Safety Tips for Homeowners in Houston
You rely on propane fuel to power all sorts of equipment in your home, like your heating system, propane fireplace, standby generator, cooking appliances, and more. Don’t get stuck in the cold without the LP gas you need this season. Here are some winter-ready tips for propane customers in Houston, TX:
1. Keep your propane tank full
Winter in our area is always unpredictable! The simplest way to keep your home safe is to maintain an adequate supply of propane. This will ensure you have the fuel you need to heat your home when things get cold, and keep your propane appliances, like your propane gas stove or LPG fireplace log set, running smoothly for the holiday season.
2. Sign up for automatic propane delivery using a tank monitor
An easy, hassle-free way to make sure you have the propane you need is signing up for automatic delivery! When you sign up for automatic delivery, we will monitor your propane tank level to automatically schedule your propane deliveries. No need to manually place orders, or to even be home on delivery day!
Propane tank monitors are the most accurate way to keep an eye on your propane tank level and ensure that you never run out of propane. Propane tank monitors use advanced technology to monitor LPG gas usage, and will send you propane tank level notifications on your mobile device.
3. Clear driveway and walkways
It is very important that you make sure your driveway and a path to your tank are clear so that your propane delivery driver can safely access your tank to deliver your propane.
Green’s Blue Flame is proud to be the leading local propane provider serving the Greater Houston area. Contact us to learn more about propane delivery and propane equipment installation and services that will help keep your home or business in Texas safe and warm through the winter months.